Bloom your communication
with Eco-Postcard!
Make your communication alive with Eco-Postcard
Eco-Postcard is the exclusive patented card with a “living heart” that makes your communication 100% eco-friendly.
It has got a peat of seeds that will germinate a seedling directly on the postcard, just by keeping it wet daily.
Only a few drops of water and a lot of love will be enough to make germinate at its inside a little plant that, after being transplanted, will keep on growing luxuriously. Eco-Postcard can be used as an ecological gadget to promote a company, a product, as a souvenir, as a tourist postcard or even as a greeting card for any occasion.
Eco-Postcard will be unique, special and will keep your message green forever.
Just like a classic postcard, Eco-Postcard measures 10×15 cm and it can be sent by ordinary post using only a stamp!
Look how a plant is born out of Eco-Postcard
What germinates from Eco-Postcard
Our ecological postcards can be customized with several types of seeds, such as: bluebell, sunflower, chilli pepper, basil, tomato, zucchini, and many others!

Eco-Postcard for your company
Bloom your communication!